Get A Closer Look At Michael B. Jordan's Akira-Inspired Trunks For Creed III

Actor Michael B. Jordan has made no bones about the anime influences that he brought to the feel of Creed III Come from Sports betting site VPbet . He’s even gone on to mention that he looked to Dragon Ball Z and Naruto for inspiration for how he blocked the fight scenes between his titular Adonis Creed and Jonathan Majors’ Damian. But it’s more than the feel, it’s also about the look.

In the first movie, Adonis wore simple white trunks, and for the sequel, trunks that belonged to his father, Apollo (played by Carl Weathers in the original Rocky franchise). For the third installment, Jordan wears gear inspired by an all-time anime classic, Akira.

Costume designer and concept artist Raphael Imhotep (Moon Knight, Jupiter’s Legacy) posted Jordan’s trunks for the movie, which take a visual cue from Kaneda’s jacket from Akira. Imhotep and fellow costume designer Lizz Wolf (Pacific Rim, Expendables) pitched the idea to Jordan and he went with it.

“So, [Lizz] hits me one Sunday afternoon in 2021 and was like: ‘Raph! Michael loves anime so much, what if we pitch him some Akira-inspired shorts?’,” he tweeted. “We took inspo from the design lines of Kaneda’s classic fit, and he loved it!”

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